QT Dog Buffalo Hornz Water Buffalo Horn Dog Treat is 100% natural, long-lasting water buffalo horn. It’s a long-lasting dog chew that’s high...
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This uniquely designed dog bowl features three center posts that dogs have to eat around, preventing them from gulping their food too quickly. The lightweight design encourages dogs to eat calmly and gently to prevent the dish from slipping and sliding. Veterinarian tested and recommended, this bowl help to reduce the instances of gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV or "Bloat"). Features an elegant, no-tip shape. Works with FDA approved kibble or canned food. Dishwasher safe. Available in red color and small size. Helps reduce the risk of Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (bloating)
Works with kibble or canned food
Plastic bowls are made in the U.S.A. and are durable and dishwasher safe
Veterinarian tested and recommended
Large holds up to 8 cups
$24.77 ea
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