Smiling Dog & Sassy Cat Treats

Smiling Dog & Sassy Cat Global Pet Expo Special - 10% off all products. Plus, 10% initial stocking order discount for a max 20% discount. 20% off new cheese products (4 products included - smiling dog freeze-dried cheese treats, sassy cat freeze-dried cheese treats, smiling dog cheese kibble seasoning, and sassy cat cheese kibble seasoning) Offer good 3/26 - 3/31. Discount taken after checkout.

  • Accepts Visa, Mastercard, & Amex
  • Orders ship within 1-2 business days
  • Will accept orders from the US only
  • No minimum order requirement
  • Orders over $1,000 qualify for discounted shipping
  • Free literature upon request
  • We strictly prohibit eCommerce resellers.  This means we do not allow any account to sell on Amazon, Walmart, eBay, Etsy, or any other 3rd party reseller site.
  • Those interested in selling online on their website must reach out to complete a MAP policy.