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DOOG Good Dog Treat Pouch Belt - Large

DOOG Good Dog Treat Pouch Belt - Large

from DOOG, Country Tails & Outback Tails

Co-designed with professional dog trainers. DOOG's Good Dog Treat pouches include all the important functions you need to train any dog into being a good...

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Co-designed with professional dog trainers. The Good Dog Treat Pouch includes all the important functions you need to train any dog into being a good dog and keeps you looking stylish at the same time! 

 -Removable, washable inner lining for treats
 -15 degradable DOOG pick up bags included in front pocket
 -Valuables pocket to fit phone, money, keys
 -Durable, weatherproof fabric
 -Adjustable waistband fits all sizes 
 -Clicker attachment on inside pocket       

Comes in 6 Great Colors:
 *Grey w/Pink
 *STELLA (Navy Blue w/White Dots)
 *LUNA (Pink w/Grey & Mint Green Teardrops)
 *Navy w/Red



24.99 ea



