Espree Shampoo & Conditioner in One for Bathing Systems Shampoo formula cleans, conditions and shines the coat in one easy step! A quick bath full of...
Espree Shampoo & Conditioner in One for Bathing Systems Shampoo formula cleans, conditions and shines the coat in one easy step! A quick bath full of beneficial natural and organic ingredients of Aloe Vera, Panthenol and Jojoba leave the dog's coat soft and shiny clean.
Bathing System for Professsional Grooming: No diluting is necessary. Espree shampoos will be automatically diluted by your bathing system. Replace the gallon cap with your current cap adapter. Clean cap and tubing lines as needed. Use per the bathing system instructions. Shampoo will flow freely through the bathing system tubing lines. Shampoo head to tail. Turn switch on bathing system to Rinse and continue with clear water until pet is free of later.