FELIWAY MultiCat, mimics a mother cat's natural pheromones to help reduce common signs of tension between cats.
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FELIWAY MultiCat, developed by the #1 vet recommended brand, mimics a mother cat's natural pheromones to help reduce common signs of tension between cats such as: conflict, fighting, chasing, and blocking. FELIWAY MultiCat is drug-free and non-sedating. 84% of cat owners saw significant improvement in conflict between cats when using FELIWAY MultiCat.
FELIWAY is supported by over 25 years of feline stress expertise and scientific research. The diffuser continuously releases a calming pheromone analog for up to 30 days, to help comfort your cat. Simply plug into an open outlet with 4+ feet of space to diffuse, with vents pointed upright. Safe to use - while pheromone analogs may help your cat, they won't affect humans or other pets.
FELIWAY® MultiCat Refill requires a FELIWAY® Diffuser (diffuser not included) and should be plugged in continuously. Screw the vial into the diffuser head and plug it into an outlet with the vents up.
Special Features:
Ingredients: Cat appeasing pheromone (C.A.P.) analog, 2%