

  • $1500.00 minimum order
  • Freight paid on orders in contiguous US only
  • We cannot ship internationally - only order within the contiguous US
  • We only accept orders from retailers with a brick & mortar location
  • Orders are typically processed within 2 business days
  • We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express
  • No Dropshipping
  • Reselling on Amazon and eBay is prohibited

SmartPetLove is No Longer Available on as of 4/1/21

SmartPetLove is based in Novi, Michigan and the home of the Original Snuggle Puppy. We are comprised of a fun team of folks that are passionate about pets and the role they play in our families and our lives. We are driven and committed to designing products that make a difference. Products that will enhance the relationship between a pet and their pet owner in a natural way. After all, we are pet care with heart.

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