Sandicast captures the spirit of man’s best friend like no other company. Our sculptors create the most realistic sculptures by finding poses and expressions that cause dog lovers to exclaim, "That's My Dog!"
All pieces are hand-cast and hand-painted.
At Sandicast we proudly create the most life-like animal sculptures in the world.
48 Ornaments
24 Breeds / poses: Labrador Retriever (Black), Bichon Frise, Bulldog Fawn, French Bulldog (Brindle), Chihuahua Tan, Yorkshire Terrier, Collie (Sable/White), German Shorthaired Ptr, Poodle Black, Pug Fawn, Golden Retriever Lying, Labrador Retriever Yel, Schnauzer Uc Gray, Australian Shepherd Bm, German Shepherd Lying, Shih Tzu Gold/White, Shih Tzu Silver/White, Cavalier King Charles Sp, Cocker Spaniel Buff, Springer Spaniel (Blk/Wt), West Highland Terrier, Goldendoodle, American Shorthair (Tuxedo), and Maine Coon (Brown Tabby).