

Stock Up for Pet Dental Health Month - Save 25% on the Oxyfresh Dental Health Display Shipper through February 28th

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  • Minimum Order is $100  (US Only)
  • Free Freight in the contiguous US on orders over $250  (US Only)
  • Accepts Visa & MC, American Express & Discover
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  • Amazon resellers and Online only retailers are prohibited
  • US and Canada orders only please. We cannot accommodate international orders at this time. 

We set the standard for pet health with premium pet products that nurture a lifetime of happiness. From dogs and cats to rabbits and birds, our non-toxic and completely safe products have been helping pets live happier, healthier and longer lives for more than 30 years.

Our secret is Oxygene®, a clinically proven ingredient that safely and effectively neutralizes cellular debris and toxins, and works wonders on pet odors by neutralizing them on contact. Oxygene® also safely and effectively gets rid of bad breath in cats and dogs.

Whether you have a furry friend or a fine-feathered friend, you want only the best when it comes to your pet’s health and happiness.

So partner with Oxyfresh, the leader in premium pet care products for more than 30 years.

What’s the Oxyfresh difference? Animal care products that are USA-made, non-toxic, alcohol-free, and formulated without harsh chemicals.

Discover why thousands of veterinarians, pet owners, and groomers use, love and recommend Oxyfresh pet care products every single day.